







Video clips & Links

On this page we list a number of video clips and also some links that will lead you to related web sites, and which deal with metrology in one form or another. Please contact the 2013 WMD Team should you wish us to include other links related to World Metrology Day 2013.

Video clips


   YouTube video (2013) by KRISS (Republic of Korea)

   YouTube video (2013) by INMETRO (Brazil)

   YouTube video (2013) by VNIIMS Russian Federation "Metrology - Part 1 "

   YouTube video (2013) by VSL The Netherlands "Metrology in daily life"

   YouTube video (2013) by SMQ Sweden on "Measurements in daily life"


   YouTube video about the 2010 World Metrology Day (US TV show)

   YouTube video about the 2009 World Metrology Day (Saint Lucia TV report)

Other links

   www.metrologycareers.com/ - Introduction to metrology; different types of metrology; Information on careers in metrology; Vacancies on the NCSLI Job Board

   www.metrologyinfo.org - BIPM/OIML Joint Web Portal

Note: The WMD Team publishes the above links for informative purposes,
but cannot be held liable for the information contained therein.